by Corinne McKenna | Jun 16, 2018 | blog
I have always loved fiction books that provide a social commentary on the values and standards of the time they are set in and illustrate the ways in which these can be rebelled against. Scarlett O’Hara, Lizzie Bennet, Jo March, Cora Seaborne; these...
by Corinne McKenna | Jun 12, 2018 | blog
When I was a young sales rep working for LexisNexis, I would spend a lot of time in the waiting rooms of law firms. As someone who becomes very antsy if I do not have something to read at all times (which is why my favourite app is Flipboard), I would...
by Corinne McKenna | Aug 31, 2017 | blog
My family and I have been fortunate enough to spend the past six weeks in Dijon, France. Spending a summer exploring the hidden nooks of an almost untouched old town, mercifully spared any damage in both World Wars, and travelling through gorgeous Burgundy has...
by Paul McKenna | May 11, 2017 | blog
Welcome to the first of a series of articles focused on the power of PR for law firms. In this blog, we will take a surface-level look at the very basics, before delving down deeper over the coming months. PR at its very core is about how an individual or business...
by Corinne McKenna | Jan 13, 2017 | blog
I love business. Whenever a lawyer gives me a meaty business law blog to write, on a topic such as M&As and corporate governance, I get very excited. I also love being around passionate, engaged people who have enough gumption (one of my favourite words, thanks...
by Corinne McKenna | Jan 12, 2017 | blog
Happy New Year to you! You would think as a professional legal copywriter who is constantly pushing the virtues of blogging, not only to my clients but my friends who own businesses as well, that I would be faultlessly consistent with my own blog. Nope! I am...